No rest for the weary as your Plymouth Fire Company No. 1 (Montco 43) volunteers remained busy this week. At 15:27 hours this afternoon Station 43 was dispatched to the 400 block of East 11th Avenue to assist the Conshohocken Fire Company No. 2 on a reported dwelling fire.
Chief 55 arrived on scene to find a 2 story twin single family dwelling and heavy fire showing from the first floor alpha side.
Squirt, Utility and Chief 43 with 7 personnel responded and was the 3rd arriving engine company. Command placed the crew in service opening up on the first floor for the first in engine company along with checking the floor above for extension. The crew of Quint 55 placed a handline in service to quickly knock down a room and contents fire.
Command placed the fire under control quickly and Plymouth units were available just after 16:40 hours. |